Universitat Rovira i Virgili

MobioFood research group is seeking postdoctoral candidates

Marie S. Curie fellowships are now available

MobioFood research group is seeking postdoctoral candidates

We are looking for a researcher that could apply for a Marie Curie competitive postdoctoral fellowship to perform a postdoctoral stage in our research group. The call opened 11 April 2019 with a deadline 11 September 2019. If interested please send an e-mail together with your CV to mobiofood@urv.cat

There are two types of Individual fellowships:

- European Fellowships

Held in a EU Member state or an associated country

Last from one to two years

Open to researchers either coming to Europe or moving within Europe.

Can help to restart research careers after a break such as parental leave (type of action CAR)

Can also help reintegrate researchers coming back to Europe. (type of action RI)

- Global Fellowships

Fund research stays (one to two years) outside Europe and there is a mandatory one year return period to the European host.

More details of the call can be found in the document attached and in the link below.


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